Hello and Welcome

Hello and welcome to my photographs of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England and surrounding areas. Mostly I like to document our historic buildings and the ever increasing pace of change here in Newcastle but there are also many photos of our iconic bridges, parks, statues and pretty much whatever I find interesting.

Most pages on this site are updated with new photos sporadically, which are usually shown newest first.

The best way to browse this site is each of the following 5 areas, Newcastle, Northumberland, North Tyneside, Gateshead and Durham and South Tyneside, have their own page with a list of links to all of my photos taken in that area and an interactive map.

As well as all of the above you can also join me on my Walking the River Tyne Westwards Project, view My Urban Exploration Photos and see Old Photos of Newcastle.

Please get in touch if you have any old photos of the area that you would like to share with the readers of this site or if there is a part of Newcastle you would like to see featured here in the future. Contact me here.

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Recently Updated Pages

Some of the most popular pages on this site. Click on the link or the picture to be taken to the corresponding page.

Quayside (2018-2019)

Armstrong Park Shoe Tree

Quayside (2020-2023)

Castle Keep & Black Gate

The Literary & Philosophical Society

The Civic Centre

Quayside (Sunset)

The Byker Wall

Grainger Market
Grainger Market

Tynemouth Castle & Priory

High Level Bridge

St. Nicholas Cathedral

The Tyne Bridge

Quayside (Panoramic Photos)

Heaton Park

St. James' Park

The Collingwood Monument

Newcastle University

Exhibition Park

Leazes Park

St. Mary's Lighthouse

Paddy Freemans Park


Keelmans Hospital

Quayside (Reflections)

Life Science Centre

St. Nicholas Hospital


North Shields Fish Quay

Shields Ferry

Wallsend, Richardson Dees Park

Derwent Walk Country Park

Jarrow Monastery & St. Paul's Church

All images on here are © newcastlephotos.blogspot.com/ please contact me if you wish to use any of my photographs for any purpose.


Nothingandall said...

Nice photos. Well ... how could Newcastle lose against AZ? I had hopes to visit your city with Benfica to Uefa Cup... but the club of your city miss that meeting. May be I visit it someday anyway. Best regards

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks. :)
Yeh.. we(Newcastle United) suck at the moment. It may be some time before we are back in the UEFA cup again.
We played so poor last night that it was shocking. :(

Cleo said...

i found your blog through Digital Photography School ... you take these with a point and shoot?? You have to be kidding me!! These are stunning, what point and shoot do you use??

Newcastle Photos said...

I've never used a "real" camera in my life. All these are taken with a Kodak Easyshare C330 which you can pick up for around £50 - £60.

Julia Huntsman said...

LIke your photos, I saw the big winged statue from a distance in my last travels there. Years ago I met a Newcastle friend while travelling in the mid-East--she went to India by herself when few women dared to do it alone! Sorry, can't remember her name. We had a lot of fun running around London and going to pubs when we came back.

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks. :)

Aye the Angel is quite unmissable so to speak if you are heading into Newcastle from the south. I'm still not sure if I really like it or not!

There is saying around these parts that where ever you go you will always find a Geordie. Maybe it just seems that way due to our accents and loud mouths. ;)

Anonymous said...

you do have some very nice pictures on here. Keep up the great work!

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks. :)

Joanne Casey said...

I was going to mention the camera thing til I saw someone else already had...I suppose it's the photographer not the camera you have to credit :-)

Is it always so bright and sunny there?

Newcastle Photos said...

You really don't need a top of the range camera to take good photos. I'll admit it helps in most situations but cheap digital cameras can be very effective in the right conditions.

And no it's not always that bright here in Newcastle, we should be so lucky! :) It's just that I'm out and about over 300 times a year and I choose the best ones to publish.

Funnily enough I've just retired my old Kodak and got myself a new digital camera. My old kodak took over 12,000 photos in 2 years!

Joanne Casey said...

Poor camera, no wonder it went into early retirement!

Newcastle Photos said...

Well, I say retired but I actually gave it to my 7 year old as he has shown an interest in photography.

Joanne Casey said...

Maybe he'll take over your blog someday :-)

Newcastle Photos said...

Aye, you never know. Or maybe he will set his own up. :)

Alison said...

The photos are beautiful and I really enjoyed seeing all the different places. I've never traveled overseas so it's a treat to be able to see so much of the area (probably more than a tourist would be able to see in one visit!) Thanks for sharing!

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks. :)
Even though the city is'nt too big I reckon it would take a tourist a good a week or so to see it all and then there is the small chance of the weather being good which is rare around here which is why it has taken me around 2 years to take all of these photos. :)

joshua said...

I must say that this is the very best blog I've ever visited!



NWIN said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely pictures. Thank you!

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks :)

Carole said...

Great shots mate. love your site. i'm gonna link you to mine.

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks. :)
I'll put a link up to your site sometime soon as well. I only found your site for the first time today.

Kiosco Salo Concepción said...
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Anonymous said...

hye Iluvnufc..

I love Toons Army too, heh..this is really amazing photo..since I am from to far away form Newcastle, hope I be able to visit there someday. Of course as tourist.

Now KeviN keegaN strategy are back, lets see what we can do with Portsmouth soon..

Give me some hit back to watch my best video collection!! all sexy,pran,funny video are there!


Anonymous said...

You have some glorious shots in here. Smashing !
I see you have not left your name on the site anywhere ?

Patrick Graniers

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks Patrick.
My name is ILuvNUFC ;)

Take it easy.

Carole said...

Your site is an inspiration and have some excellent photographs. Please take a look at my blog 3rd July post as there is something there for you.

Newcastle Photos said...

Hello and thanks for your kind words.
I've had a quick look and I'm honoured (with a u) :)
I'll sort out some kind of reply over the weekend.
Thanks again and take it easy.
Later, ILuvNUFC

annie said...

Just the ticket for a passionate Geordie in exile. Thanks a lot, bonnie lad!

FirstPersonArts said...

Your site came up as I was looking for folks with an interest in Documentary Photography, and I thought you might be interested in First Person Arts’ Impressions competition. It includes a competition for short documentary films (under 5 minutes) and 1500 word memoirs, but the documentary photography competition calls for 1-5 images. Check out the competition website here: http://impressions.firstpersonarts.org and find out more about First Person Arts, a Philadelphia non-profit dedicated to memoir and documentary art, at http://www.firstpersonarts.org
We’ve got some excellent judges, and the winning entries will get some very nice exposure, not to mention a little cash. It would be great if you could post about this on your blog and/or pass it around to your friends or and fellow photographers. If you send me a note, I’ll happily forward you a flyer. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,

Newcastle Photos said...

Annie: Thanks. :) And you're most welcome.

first person arts: Thanks, I'll check it out.

azureangelic said...

wow very nice pics...

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks :)

Nasimlibya `√ said...

keep up

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the memories of the places I grew up in and still treasure even after 40 years in Canada

Muriel ex North View-ite also!

Newcastle Photos said...

Your welcome. I reckon around half to three-quarters of the visitors here are ex-pats. :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy youe photos immensely. I lived at 136 Newton Rd during the war. Went to Heaton Secondary School. Primary school was St. Teresa's and worked for a while in later years at Stannington Mental Hospital. Is Janet (nee) Wylie still alive?

Angus, Canada.

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks. :)
I don't know anyone with the name Wylie I'm afraid.

Yvonne Young said...

Your pics are getting better and better. Keep gannin`

The Vintage Kitten said...

Just found your blog, its fab! My husband and I are both Geordies (although we moved away from Newcastle 5 years ago), there have been alot of changes and I dont recognise some of the places (where has the city library gone??)We both grew up in Heaton, I went to Chilly Road school and Manor Park (thats gone too). At least Cloughs is still there. I used to climb up on the chair to pick the penny sweets in the days when old Mrs Clough was behind the counter. 30 years on and her son still recognises me.....Keep doing what you are doing its a brilliant site! X

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks. :)
I went to north View School just a few hundred yards from your school and Heaton Manor school as it was called then.
It would have been the same rickety old chair that I climbed on in Cloughs as I was a regular there in the 70's too. I still take my son there for sweets after visiting Heaton Park.

Migrated Toon Lover said...

Please keep taking more photos of Newcastle.

gareth said...
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Frank Black said...

Great site. Sorry for not crediting your photo on our site. We've remedied that and included you in our links. Strange question, I know, but do you have any shots of the roof of the Co-op? I saw some years ago, taken from the car park opposite with a zoom and it looked stunning. Now, God knows what'll happen to it...

Newcastle Photos said...

I probably have some shots of it somewhere. I'll try and find the time to have a look through my photos this weekend.

Frank Black said...

Great. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have been spending some time looking round your site, I really appreciate what you are doing, I love these sorts of photos and they are very well constructed.
Have just become a follower.
I have got a Newcastle blog too, I am based near spital tongues arthur's hill area which is where I take most of my photos and it would be nice if you could list my blog in your geordie blogroll


I could not manage to sign the map!

Newcastle Photos said...

I was just up at Spital Tongues a couple of days ago seeing what was left of the old Hunters Moor Hospital.

I think it may have been a pop-up blocker or something that stopped the map working for you. Try this link MyGuestmap.

I will add your link to my site soon

ELIAS said...

Very nice pictures. Hope someday I can visit Newcastle Upon Tyne and see everything you have posted here. Congratulations, from Brazil.

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your recent health problems. Hope your finger is healed soon. Thought you would like to know I uploaded some Arthur's Hill and Leazes Park photos recently.
Best wishes, Herbwormwood.

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks. My finger is taking way too long to heal. I have had the pins in for 2 months now.

Thanks for the heads up about the photos. I'll be up your way on thursday taking a few photos of Richardson Road flats which are to be demolished some time in the future.

Ann Romby said...

Do you have any old photos of Greenhow terrace. I know its demolished. I think in the 60 's or 70's.
My mother and her family lived in number 80 in 1919.
Do you know, which was the nearness school, they could have attended?
Hope you can help. Or send me on to someone, who can. I'm re writing my family history.
The name of my family living there, was Sheppard. I still have a lot of cousins in Newcastle, whom I'm trying to find.
I live in Denmark, as my mother married a Danish seaman, my father, in 1945 in Newcastle.
My mum worked at vickers Armstrong during ww2. So did my grandfather.
Yours sincerly
Ann Marie Romby

Jackie Buckle said...

Cam here because I wanted to find out about the metro bridge illuminations. Seems they have finished now :-( Lovely images on your site

Unknown said...

Hello, I'm looking for a photo of peters snack bar from the 80's which was situated at Marlborough crescent please contact me if you can help.

Tony wylie said...

A fantastic body of work, which in years ahead will be important for the history of our city.
Very much in the mould of Jimmy Forsyth, and he didnt have a proper camera either.
Keep up the good work.

Tony wylie said...

I lived on benton rd for a while, just down from newton rd.. My children went to st. Teresas school, and i worked at the stannington mental hospital when it was demolished and hiuses built there,.. But i dont know a janet wylie.

Newcastle Photos said...

Thanks for your kind words.