At the southern end of Northumberland Street, Saville Row runs eastwards to John Dobson Street.
The first description I can find of Saville Row is in the Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead published in 1827 which states..
Near the foot of Northumberland Street, on the right hand side, there is a row of very neat houses, terminated by the work-shops of Mr. J. Green, architect: it bears the name of Northumberland Place. Beyond this, there is a small, quiet street, denominated Lisle Street. A little higher up, and opposite to the Orphan House, there is a genteel street, erected about 40 years ago, and which was named Saville Row, in honour of Sir George Saville, Bart. who, during the years 1776 and 1777, resided here as colonel of the first battalion of the West York Militia.
In 2023 Newcastle City Council began a renovation of Saville Row, along a few other nearby streets, to create a new type of garden street with relaxed seating, planting and areas for enjoyment. Below is an artists impression of the completed works.

12th September 2024

28th July 2024

15th July 2024

14th December 2023

24th November 2023

10th November 2023

2nd September 2023

11th August 2023

28th July 2023

4th July 2023

16th June 2023

23rd May 2023
Saville Row, nos. 1 to 6.
Now largely just the side of 46-52 Northumberland Street.

Saville Row, nos. 6 to 8.

Saville Row, no. 9.

Saville Row, nos. 10 to 15.

Saville Row, nos. 16 and 17.

Saville Row, no. 18.

Saville Row, no. 19.

Saville Row, no. 20.

Staircase to Princess Square.

23rd March 2013


Robsons Furniture Store, Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Robsons Furniture Store on the corner of Saville Row and Northumberland Street. It was replaced by Littlewoods store in the 1970s.
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.

Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne 1974.
Taken from Northumberland Street and looking along Saville Row. The shops on the left-hand side of the street include 'Richard Shops' 'Smyths' 'Midland Bank' 'Jane Walker Knitfashions' and 'Callers'.
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.

Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne 1973.
The photograph shows the pedstrianisation of Saville Row. 'Littlewoods' is on the left-hand side of Saville Row and shops such as 'Richard Shops' 'Midland Bank'and 'Jane Walker Knitfashions' on the right-hand side. 'Boots' on Northumberland Street can be seen in the background.
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.

Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne 1973.
Looking along Saville Row towards John Dobson Street. Saville Row has been pedestrianised. The shops on Saville Row include 'Callers' 'Hunters the wool shop' and 'Wanless and Pallister Licensed Betting Office'. Collection
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.

Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne 1972.
Taken from John Dobson Street looking down Saville Row towards Northumberland Street. North Street is in the foreground to the right.
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.

Richard Shops Northumberland Street/Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne 1972.
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.

Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne 1970.
The eastern end of Saville Row. The shops include 'Callers' 'Dentons Bakery' and 'Solid Fuel Heating Centre'.
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.

John Dobson Street/Saville Row/St Mary's Place 1969.
The photograph shows the demolition of buildings between Saville Row and St Mary's Place to make way for the new road on John Dobson Street. Buildings on Northumberland Road including Northumberland Baths can be seen in the background. The Civic Centre on St Mary's Place is in the distance behind the Northumberland Baths.
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.

Gifts from Saville Row.
This photograph is from the Robert Sanderson collection which was kindly donated to Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums. It shows the gift display in a ladies fashion shop on Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne. This is a 35mm slide. It was taken in 1966.
Photo Courtesy of Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums Flickr.

Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne 1966.
Taken from Saville Place looking along Saville Row towards Northumberland Street.
Photo courtesy of Newcastle Libraries.
More Information:
- Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead
- Wikipedia: Colonel Sir George Saville
- NCC: Transforming the city centre
See my other photos around Saville Row:
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