Walbottle is a village on the western outskirts of Newcastle. The village name, recorded in 1176 as "Walbotl", is derived from the Old English botl (building) on the Roman Wall. There are a number of Northumbrian villages which are suffixed "-bottle".
Bede, in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People, refers to a royal estate called Ad Murum near the Roman Wall where, in 653 AD, the King of the Middle Angles, Peada, and the King of the East Saxons, Sigeberht, were both baptised into the Christian faith by Bishop Finan, having been persuaded to do so by King Oswy of Northumbria. Historians have identified Ad Murum with Walbottle.
Information courtesy of Wikipedia.
6th May 2014
Walbottle Road, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel.
Nonconformist church. Dated on stone in porch gable WESLEYAN/CHAPEL/1837. Hammer- dressed coursed squared sandstone with ashlar quoins and dressings; Welsh slate roof with stone gable coping. T-plan. One storey, 3 x 3 bays and projecting gabled left porch. Renewed double door under elliptical fanlight in right return of porch; pointed-arched front porch window with intersecting glazing bars. Roundheaded windows, with renewed glazing, in keyed surrounds with impost blocks and projecting stone sills, flank porch. Hipped roof. Similar windows to rear.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Walbottle Road, Dene Terrace.
Shown on Ordnance Survey second edition of 1898. Attractive stone terrace with long narrow gardens. Presumably built for the workers of Duke Pit which lay close by.
Source: Sitelines.
Walbottle Community Orchard.
The Orchard was planted entirely by local people in 1998, and is looked after by the city council's park rangers and local volunteers. The animals featuring on the ornate gates were designed and painted by local schoolchildren. In season, you can pick raspberries, plums, apples or gooseberries, or at any time of year just enjoy the peace and the birdsong.
Walbottle Institute.
Date stone reads '1891 Church Mission Room'. It was a meeting place and the village school until purpose built schools were built in 1907 and 1908. Built of stone ashlar with a slate pitched roof and porch. Original chimney, windows and dormer window on south side. The roof and porch have barge boards painted green.
Source: Sitelines.
8th January 2014
Hexham Road, Former Co-operative Building.
The Co-operative Building on Hexham Road in Walbottle was built in 1903. The building is now used by a number of businesses.
Source: Co-Curate.
Hexham Road.
1930's built St. Cuthbert's RC School on the left.
8th February 2011
The Percy Arms.
The Green.
Grove Road.
In the distance on Hawthorn terrace is The Original Masons public house
Grove Road.
Walbottle Road, I think.
The Walbottle Institute.
Wesleyan Methodist Chapel.
Walbottle Road.
An older, less bog-standard bus stop.
Walbottle Village Green.
Walbottle Hall.
18th century house and 19th century addition. 18th century part - local pinkish brick in English garden wall bond, now mostly pebbledashed. 19th century part - snecked, tooled sandstone with ashlar quoins and dressings. Baronial style.
18th century part - 2 storeys, 6 bays, with rear rear wing forming L-shape, late19th century sash windows in box frames with tooled stone lintels and projecting stone sills.19th century part in baronial style: 3 storey battlemented tower with first-floor drip string and eaves corbel table with animal angle gargoyles. Owned by the Duke of Northumberland until the 1970s but rented out.
In mid C19 it was occupied by J.T. Ramsay and his family. He was accused of stealing fittings and goods from the hall after becoming bankrupt and was taken to court by the owner. Later occupants were Michael Spencer (son of John Spencer, steel manufacturer and coalowner of Newburn), the Appleby family and Dr. Telfer.
In 1980 the house was sold to developers and split into 2 dwellings (Walbottle Hall and Millstone House). 3 houses were built on the site of the walled garden in the 1970s (Nos. 1-3 Walbottle Hall Gardens). The pebbled drive to the Hall has been moved. The gate piers are not original but they are in-keeping.
Source: Sitelines.
Walbottle Hall Statue.
12th April 2010
Walbottle Campus Technology College.
Hawthorn Terrace, The Original Masons.
Hawthorn Terrace.
Hawthorn Terrace, Former Co-operative Building.
31st July 2010
More Information:
- Sitelines: Walbottle village and Walbottle Village Conservation Area
- Wikipedia: Walbottle
- Co-Curate: Walbottle
- Flickr: Walbottle by Jax60
- Walbottle Residents Association
- Walbottle Village Institute
Historical interest in Walbottle:
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Hexham Road Milepost
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Hexham Road Milestone
- Sitelines: Walbottle Village Green and Walbottle Village Green pond
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Hexham Road, co-operative store
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Early Medieval settlement
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Walbottle Road, post office
Past and present religious sites in Walbottle:
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel 1 (now vestry)
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Primitive Methodist Chapel I
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Primitive Methodist Chapel 1
Past and present industrial sites in Walbottle:
- Sitelines: Walbottle Quarries
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Duke Pit, smithy
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Brick Garth
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Engine House
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Smithy
- Sitelines: Walbottle Gravel Pit
- Sitelines: Walbottle Brick Works
Past and present public houses/breweries in Walbottle:
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Half Moon Inn
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Percy Arms Inn
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Hexham Road, Engine Inn (Original Masons)
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Walbottle Road, The Brown Jug Public House
Past and present Walbottle streets and houses:
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Bank Top House
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Wood Acre
- Sitelines: Walbottle House
- Sitelines: Walbottle House, Walled Garden
- Sitelines: Walbottle House, The Barn
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Drill Hall
- Sitelines: Walbottle Hall, Cottage, walled garden and well
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Chapel House
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Segpool House
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Old Row
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Queen's Row
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Richmond Terrace
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Hawthorn Street
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Hawthorn Terrace
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Burt Terrace
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Beverley Terrace
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Whitehall Road
- Sitelines: Walbottle, The Grove, nos. 9-15
- Sitelines: Walbottle, The Green, no. 16
Walbottle Wagonways:
- Sitelines: Walbottle Moor Waggonway,
- Sitelines: Walbottle Wagonway, Duke Pit Branch
- Sitelines: Walbottle Wagonway, Coronation Pit Branch
- Sitelines: Walbottle Moors Wagonway, Duke Pit to Cut End, Greenwich Moor Branch and Broom Hall Branch
Walbottle Collieries:
- Sitelines: Walbottle Colliery, Duke Pit
- Sitelines: Walbottle Colliery, Blucher Pit
- Sitelines: Walbottle Colliery, Coronation Pit
- Sitelines: Walbottle, coal pits
- Durham Mining Museum: Walbottle Colliery
Farms in Walbottle:
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Walbottle Farm, farmhouse
- Sitelines: Walbottle Colliery Farm
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Dene Head Farm
Past and present educational sites in Walbottle:
- Sitelines: Walbottle Colliery School
- Sitelines: Walbottle, school
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Primary School
- Sitelines: Walbottle, school
- Sitelines: Walbottle, Hexham Road, St. Cuthbert's RC School
- Flickr: Class 2 North at Walbottle Grammar School April 1964
See my other photos around Walbottle:
These photos of Walbottle don't, in fact, show the true village at all.
That lies to the south of the old Co-op building: church, village green, Walbottle Hall (where Lord Armstrong's mother was born).
Thanks, but as I said I was just passing through and would get back to the village proper sometime in the future.
I remember the coronation party on the village green, I was in my first year at school at Walbottle infants though I live 2 miles away at Denton Square. The village green was at the heart of the village.
Next time you visit make sure you get permission from the owner of Walbottle Hall to take photographs of his home. You've obviously trespassed to take this shot. Also to Anonymous, Walbottle House was the birthplace of Ann Potter, Lord Armstrong's mother, not Walbottle Hall.
My family have lived in Walbottle Village for centuries, starting out on Queen's Row,then Hawthorn Tce.,now Dene Terrace,The Green,Richmond Tce.and Percy Way and these photos are a very good representation of the 'true' village.Just for the record,Norm- it is possible to get this shot of Walbottle Hall without trespassing. Love the website!
Thanks :)
hi anonymous, im researching walbottle but im finding it hard to get information, specifically to around the 1790 to 1825 period when it was a boom town mining area. any information would be useful.
HI my Grandfather George Charlton was the Landlord of the Percy Arms before the second world war. I remember him telling me the tale about a fire started at the Pub, and about how before the fire he moved a lot of spirits through a tunnel in the cellar to the Landlords hourse where he lived. My Dad (also George Charlton) seemed to think this was a true tale. My Dad married Elsie Lockhart also from Walbottle in the 1930's. Lots of my family on both sides lived in Walbottle and I spent many days there with my Aunt Nan Atkinson during school holidays.
Great site
Kneen Charlton
Thank you for these photographs. I grew up in Walbottle (I was born in 1956) and it looks a lot different to how it was when I left (1975).
The first photograph titled "Hawthorn Terrace" is Beverley Terrace where my wife grew up. The old Co-op Building, also titled "Hawthorn Terrace" was at the top (east end) of Beverley Terrace. Hawthorn Terrace, where I grew up, is the row of houses to the east of the Original Masons P.H. which was called the Engine Inn in my day.
As usual, Dene Terrace was missed off the views of Walbottle. There are some people still who believe that the great street doesn't belong to Walbottle but, as it is now almost 200 years old, I think they've lost the plot. I was born in Dene Terrace (at home)in 1963. I love the village. To the lad who's looking for more info its mining past, I suggest he look up the North Walbottle pit site which should provide links to any information on the Bella pit. It may interest him to know that Walbottle also had a thriving brickworks at the same as the pit was in full swing.
As usual?!
Ps the suffix "bottle" was originally "pottle" and not,as stated above "botl". A 'pottle" was the Anglicised version of the Latin name (which I don't know) for a small fortified building on the Roman Wall.
Timothy Hackworth and his wife lived in Walbottle 1815 for 8 years, working at the colliery. My sons, through their mother's side, are descendants of John Wesley Hackworth who was born in Walbottle 1820. I'm doing a site on John for them, including material from the family archives but but would love to know where he lived in Walbottle - even better a photo I could use on the site. Can anybody help? Trevor
I still live in walbottle to this day, on whitehall road, i could take photos of anywhere you desire, its a small place, it wouldnt take too long. iv lived here all my life.
Thanks. I got some photos of Dene Tce last year and I'm not sure why they are not up here. Job to do some time over the weekend I think.
Any photos from 1913
Dear sirs. Was their a robbery at walbottle stores in the early 1900s.
Where some gold coins were stolen, I think two men commited the crime.
My father said they were caught in the nearby dene
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