Mosley Street near St Nicholas' Cathedral was built by David Stephenson in 1784 and named from Edward Mosley a Newcastle alderman who encouraged improvements in the town.
It was the first street in the world to be lit by the incandescent light bulb, invented by Sir Joseph Swan and first demonstrated at the Literary and Philosophical Society on Westgate Road, 1879. The street facilitated east-west communication between the Flesh Market(Cloth Market) and Pilgrim Street.
It was one of the premier shopping and commercial streets of the Georgian town. In 1788 the Theatre Royal was built in Mosley Street. At the end of the nineteenth century national banks and insurance companies built premises here.
The Theatre Royal was demolished in the 1830s to make way for Grainger's new developments.
Decription courtesy of Sitelines and
28th August 2022
The Impetuosity of Youth.
Three teemage lads on scooters weaving in and out of the traffic.
8th August 2022
1st August 2022
Newcastle & Gateshead building Society (Cathedral House).
Bank; circa 1845 by Benjamin Green for Newcastle Joint Stock Bank. Sandstone ashlar; Welsh slate roof. Palazzo style. 4 storeys, 5 bays. Central double door and overlight in rusticated ground floor with voussoirs to 5 arched openings, those to left of door covered by C20 fascia; round-headed windows in those at right, plain at left.
First floor has panelled pilasters defining bays containing round-headed windows in keyed arched surrounds; wide moulded brackets support 3-bay second-floor balcony. Giant Ionic Order through second and third floors. Pulvinated friezes and pediments to 2nd floor windows, bracketed architraves to third. Entablature with dentilled and modillioned cornice. Low-pitched hipped roof has 3 conjoined ashlar chimneys.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Historic England.
Mosley Street, nos. 32 and 34.
House, now offices. Circa 1790; street laid out by David Stephenson. C2O office front in ground floor. English bond brick with ashlar dressings; Welsh slate roof. 3 storeys and attic; 4 bays. C20 door at left. Upper floors have wedge stone lintels to sash windows with glazing bars; those on second floor have thin projecting sills; first floor sill band. Roof has inserted wide dormer; rear banded brick chimney.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Mosley Street, nos. 28 and 30 (Maranar House).
Offices and shops. 1894 by Armstrong and Knowles for Alderman Stout. Left shop 1902 by Watson and Curry. Sandstone ashlar; roof not visible. 4 storeys, 3 bays.
Rusticated pilasters flank central office door; similar pilasters flank wide arch in left bay, with many keys, over window with moulded sill; right bay altered. Ground floor entablature. Giant Ionic Order above defines shallow canted bays, and narrower central recessed bay containing single window on each floor, all sashes with upper glazing bars whose keyed central cornices rise into main entablature on second floor.
Top floor has mannered, squat Ionic Order with block rustication to paired columns flanking mullioned-and-transomed keyed elliptical- headed windows. Top entablature has pulvinated frieze with brackets above each window and pair of columns. Tall corniced end chimneys.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.

Mosley Street, no. 27 (Midland Bank).
Bank, pre 1890 with 1890 entrance and left bays by W.L. Newcombe for North British and Mercantile Assurance Co. in style of existing building. Sandstone ashlar with pink granite plinth and door surrounds; roof not visible. 4 storeys, 5 bays and one narrow bay set back at left.
Granite surround to central double door, under panelled stone head and fanlight, in rusticated sandstone door case with coved round arch; large leaf brackets to balcony above set-back bay has double door in architrave with pediment. Sash windows, tripartite in outer ground-floor bays, except for third floor casements. Architraves to all floors, lugged on second and third. Shell ornament in bracketed segmental pediments of first floor windows. Moulded plinth; projecting quoins; gutter to long brackets of deep cornice. Plainer first bay. Roof parapet has square balusters; central brick chimney.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
23rd July 2022
10th July 2022
Mosley Street, nos. 2 and 4.
Bank, now offices. 1908 by Newcombe and Newcombe for Alliance Assurance Co. Ltd. Sandstone ashlar with pink granite plinth and porch. Roof not visible. Palladian style. 3 storeys, 5 bays and 3-bay curved left entrance section.
High ground floor with plinth, deeper at right on slope, containing right end door with overlight in architrave; left corner entrance, of Tuscan columns flanked by narrow windows, holds recessed double door, and overlight with radiating glazing bars, under swagged frieze and cornice. Above this, giant Ionic Order containing pedimented first-floor window and second-floor window in lugged architrave.
Elevation to Mosley Street has tall round-headed ground-floor windows, pediments to those on first floor except in the outer bays which have swagged segmental-headed surrounds; lugged architraves on second floor. Deep modillioned cornice. Tall, corniced, ashlar chimneys.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
8th May 2022
Mosley Street, no. 1 (Pilgrim Street, nos. 128 and 130).
Shops and offices, 1899 by Benjamin Simpson. Cast iron frame with ashlar facades in free classical style. Four storeys and attic. Three bays to Mosley Street, four to Pilgrim Street.
Chanelled piers and entablature to ground floor; central broad segment-headed doorway to Mosley Street, with the entablature projecting on brackets above; large plain-glass windows with glazing bars to the other bays; diagonally-set corner doorway with stylised giant triple keystone over.
Giant Ionic Order and full entablature to first and second floors; central bay to Mosley Street has shallow canted mullion-and-transom window rising through both storeys; other windows in lugged architraves, with triple keystones on first floor. Eaves cornice; a single pedimented dormer framed by pilasters, to each front.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
24th April 2022

Newcastle & Gateshead building Society (Cathedral House).
Mosley Street, nos. 36 and 38.
Mosley Street, nos. 32 and 34.
Mosley Street, no. 31 to 33 Scottish Provident House.
Offices. 1906 by S. D. Robbins of Newcastle for Scottish Provident Institution. Portland stone with grey granite plinth and doorcases; roof not visible. 4 storeys and basement at right; 10 bays and one curved corner bay at left; 3-bay return to Cloth Market.
Granite Tuscan porch on corner with recessed double door in keyed surround; 2 steps to similar door in pedimented doorcase in eighth bay. Rusticated lower floors to dentilled first-floor cornice; Giant Corinthian Order above. Balustrades to second-floor windows in Ionic frames with pulvinated friezes and tall keystones; architraves to third floor.
All windows sashes. Low relief SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION on top entablature. Roof balustrade; tall corniced ashlar chimneys. Tall wrought-iron gates to corner door and iron ground floor window guards. Historical note: said to have been the first 'gridiron' construction in Newcastle. First use of Portland Stone in Newcastle.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Mosley Street, no. 29.
Mosley Street, nos. 28 and 30 (Maranar House).
Mosley Street, no. 27 (Midland Bank).
Mosley Street, no. 26, National Westminster Bank.
Bank. 1870-72 by Gibson for National Provincial Bank. Vermiculate sandstone basement; sandstone ashlar with pink granite nook shafts to ground floor openings; Welsh slate roof. Palladian style. Corner building.
Basement sloping down to left on hill; 3 storeys, 5 bays and entrance bay set back at right. Rusticated ground has central door with overlight in pedimented doorcase; and in entrance bay, doors in lugged architrave with BANK CHAMBERS incised above.
Ground floor round-headed fixed lights with archivolts, impost and sill strings and panelled band beneath. Pedimented Ionic aedicules to first-floor sashes; architraves to those second floor in giant Roman Doric order.
Frieze to Mosley Street on right inscribed NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND MDCCLXXI; to Dean Street on left return THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND LIMD ESTABLISHED MDCCXXXIII. High blocking course and tall, corniced, ashlar chimneys.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.

Mosley Street, no. 21.
Offices, now restaurant. 1906-08 by Fred T. Walker for The Edinburgh Life Assurance Co. The 1908 building was constructed on the footprint of what was 19 and 21 Mosley Street which housed a shop, café and tea room.
1908 building: Red granite ground floor; ashlar above; roof not visible. Classical framework with diverse details. 5 storeys and attic; 3 bays, the central wider and with tripartite windows. Banded ground and first floors, the former having 2 large openings, segmental and round-arched, and a round-headed doorway with weighty bracketed hood.
Coved ground-floor cornice. Wide band above first floor serves as base for Corinthian Order through second and third floors, with 4 engaged columns. Quasi-classical window treatment with pediments on second floor. Deep modillioned cornice. Top storey has deeply-recessed windows and is surmounted by a central attic in the form of an Egyptian temple with flanking balustrades.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines
Mosley Street, no. 12, Churchill House.
Bank. 1891 by A. Waterhouse for Prudential Assurance Company. Basement and 4 storeys; 5 x 5 bays. Red granite basement with wrought iron grilles; red brick and red sandstone upper floors; Lakeland slate roof. Free early-Renaissance style.
Canted corner bay contains steps up to c.1980 glass door in round arch flanked brackets ending in Ionic capitals- these support entablature, above which are scrolls and a small pediment. Ground floor has large mullioned-and- transomed windows; mullioned windows above, those on second floor under seqmental pediments. Steeply pitched roof with small segmental pediments on gables.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Mosley Street, no. 8.
Offices. 1906 by Armstrong and Knowles for W. H. Knowles. Bright red brick with matching sandstone ashlar dressings; roof of plain tiles. 4 storeys and attic; 2 bays. Renewed shop with door at right.
Tripartite windows in left bay have Ionic frames, with block rustication on first floor; second-floor oriel with Tuscan Order and entablature breaking forward under segmental pediment; Gibbs surround on third floor. Single sashes in right bay. All windows have upper glazing bars. Roof has tripartite dormer under segmental pediment; tall left brick chimney.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Mosley Street, nos. 7 to 19, Kelburn House.
Shops and offices. 1870 by Alfred Swan. for Mawson and Swan 's. Ashlar. Baroque style. 4 storeys and attic; 9 bays, divided into 3 sections of 3 bays each by giant Corinthian pilasters resting on channelled, rusticated ground floor.
Side sections have subsidiary divisions of channelled piers and enriched string courses; recessed windows with moulded surrounds. Centre section has iron balustrade to first floor; architrave and cornice to first-floor central window. Full entablature with projecting cornice on brackets, crowned by blocking course and 4 giant urns.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Mosley Street, nos. 3 and 5.
House and shop. Circa 1790, refronted in mid C18 style in mid C19. Brick with ashlar dressings to front; Westmorland slate roof. Three storeys and attic.
First and second floor of two bays with single quoins; and sash windows in architraves, those on first floor with triple keystones and pediments. Modillion eaves cornice. Early 20th Century shopfront with enriched brackets. Twelve-pane sash windows to rear.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Mosley Street, nos. 2 and 4.
Drury Lane entrance.
Drury Lane is depicted in Corbridge's map of 1723 and follows the grain of the medieval burgage properties that ran off the Bigg Market (now Cloth Market) towards Lort Burn. From 18th century map evidence it is clear that Drury Lane was fully built up from an early date.
The first Theatre Royal (HER 6845) was constructed across the eastern end of the lane in 1788 creating the dog leg of the lane. The first and second edition plans show Drury Lane as being split into six separate properties. An archive drawing c.1900 shows the character of the street at the time - a terrace formed by separate buildings between 3-5 storeys high, the ground floor contained three shops. All buildings on the lane were demolised in 1901/2 and rebuilt.
Source: Sitelines.
1st April 2022
Newcastle & Gateshead building Society.
18th July 2018
Grey Street, nos. 1 and 3.
Shops and houses, now restaurant and shops. Circa 1835, probably by John Wardle, for Richard Grainger. Sandstone ashlar with plinth; Welsh slate roof. Classical style. 4 storeys, 3 bays and curved left corner bay to Mosley Street.
Circa 1890, mayve 1895-6, the corner entrance was added in Baroque style; flat Tuscan pilasters frame shops with slender late C19 pilasters; fascia and band. Giant Corinthian Order above contains sash windows in architraves, with pediments on first floor and bracketed sills above; entablature with modillioned cornice.
Third-floor windows in plain reveals between pilasters top band. All windows sashes with glazing bars; those in corner are curved.
The 1851-1881 censuses shows that No. 1 was the hosier and glover's shop of Robert Robson. He lived in No. 3 with his wife Elizabeth, 4 children, 2 servants and a hosiers assistant. In 1916 Ward's Directory lists the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co. here. Cuthbert Horsley was the manager.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Mosley Street, no. 31 Scottish Provident House.
St. Nicholas' Square and Queen Victoria Statue.
Statue 1900 by Alfred Gilbert. Pink granite pedestal with diagonal pilasters and bowed sides, to bronze statue. Seated figure in chair with elaborate canopy and base.
Pedestal inscribed with THE THRONE IS ESTABLISHED BY RIGHTEOUSNESS. Unveiled 1903; the gift of W.H. Stephenson to commemorate 500 years of the shrievalty of Newcastle 1400-1900. The statue is actually a replica of the Jubilee Memorial which Gilbert made for the town of Winchester in 1887 (it stands in the hall of Winchester Castle). Gilbert cast the replica for Newcastle in 1900 using the Companie des Bronzes in Brussels.
In 1903 a second replica was cast for the British Embassy in Bangkok.
Grade 2 Listed. Source: Sitelines.
Mosley Street, nos. 3 and 5.
Mosley Street, nos. 7 to 19, Kelburn House.
Grey Street/Dean Street Junction.
Mosley Street, no. 1 (Pilgrim Street, Nos. 128 and 130).
Mosley Street, no. 12.
16th May 2012
Mosley Street, nos. 2 and 4.
More Information:
- Sitelines: Mosley Street
- Co-Curate: Mosley Street
- Co-Curate: History Of Mosley Street
- Wikipedia: David Stephenson
- Wikipedia: Sir Joseph Swan
- Sitelines: Mosley Street, Theatre Royal
See my other photos around Mosley Street:
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