Pilgrim Street - New HMRC building and associated demolitions

The East Pilgrim Street regeneration scheme stretches three blocks from Northumberland Street in the north down to Tyne Bridge in the south.

The development includes a new H.M. Revenue and Customs buildings, The Old Fire Station and Carliol House which will create a hotel/leisure development.

This page will chart the construction the new H.M.R.C. building and the demolition of the Dex car park, Watson House and Norham House on New Bridge Street West, Bamburgh House on Market Street and The Odeon Cinema and Commercial Union House on Pilgrim Street.

Demolition of The Bank of England and construction of Bank House previously shared this page but I moved them over to a new page here Pilgrim Street - Bank Of England Demolition and Bank House Construction.

15th July 2024

22nd June 2024

2nd June 2024

12th May 2024

4th April 2024

31st March 2024

20th December 2023

14th December 2023

24th November 2023

11th November 2023

7th October 2023

22nd September 2023

2nd September 2023

11th August 2023

New HMRC Building.

17th July 2023

New HMRC Building.

4th July 2023

New HMRC Building.

20th June 2023

New HMRC Building.

9th June 2023

New HMRC Building.

23rd May 2023

New HMRC Building.

12th May 2023

New HMRC Building.

28th April 2023

New HMRC Building.

7th April 2023

New HMRC Building.

15th March 2023

New HMRC Building.

Cuthbert House.
Undergoing conversion to flats. I can't believe anyone would want to live above one of the busiest roads in Newcastle with the constant noise and pollution it brings. Then again, Swan House is now also residential.

23rd February 2023

New HMRC Building.

12th February 2023

New HMRC Building.
First sight of the new tax office that will fill the area bounded by Pilgim St, Market St, New Bridge St West and John Dobson St. The new building will retain the old frontage of Carliol House.

Cuthbert House redevelopment.

29th December 2022

Cuthbert House redevelopment.

7th December 2022

Bamborough House demolition.

Carliol House redevelopment.

6th November 2022

Bamborough House demolition.

Carliol House redevelopment.

10th October 2022

Carliol House redevelopment.

5th September 2022

Carliol House redevelopment.

Bamborough House demolition.

28th August 2022

Cale Cross House.

Carliol House redevelopment.

23rd July 2022

Carliol House redevelopment.

3rd July 2022

Commercial Union House demolition.

16th June 2022

Carliol House demolition.
The interior of the Art Deco Carliol House will be demolished with the facade being incorporated into the new HMRC complex.

Commercial Union House demolition.
The demolition of Commercial Union House reveals a new view of the Pearl Assurance building on New Bridge Street West.

11th June 2022

Commercial Union House demolition.

28th May 2022

Commercial Union House.
The northern part of Pilgrim Street has been closed to traffic while the demolition of the rest of Commercial Union House takes place.

19th May 2022

Commercial Union House.

8th May 2022

Carliol House.

Commercial Union House.
The Brutalist Commercial Union House was completed in 1971, built on a site formerly occupied by offices of the Commercial Union Assurance Co. Ltd in the late 19th century, and in more recent years has been rented out by artists' collective Orbis.

The Stack.
Removal of the container village on the corner of Pilgrim Street and New Bridge Street West started today

24th April 2022

Commercial Union House demolition.

The rear of Carliol House.

Bamburgh House.

The next up for demolition.

1st April 2022

The old Dex Car Park site.

Commercial Union House demolition.

17th February 2022

Bamburgh House.

Demolition of Bamburgh House and the neighbouring Tux 2 nightclub is underway.

The old Dex Car Park site.

2nd January 2022

Demolition Continues.

All traces of the Dex Car Park have now gone.

10th November 2021

Demolition of the Dex Car Park.

1st November 2021

Demolition of the Dex Car Park and the nightclub below.

26th May 2018

Pilgrim Street and New Bridge Street West.

Demolition of Norham House and Watson House on the corner of Pilgrim Street and New Bridge Street West is now complete.

The Odeon Cinema site.

Demolition of The Odeon Cinema is now complete.

24th February 2018

The Odeon Cinema site.

2nd November 2017

Demolition of Watson House nears completion.

The Odeon Cinema site.

12th October 2017

Demolition of Watson House.

19th September 2017

Demolition of Watson House.

Dex Car Park.

The Odeon Cinema site.

30th August 2017

Demolition of Watson House.

3rd August 2017

Demolition of The Odeon Cinema and Watson House.

2nd July 2017

Demolition of Watson House.

The Odeon Cinema demolition.

17th April 2017

The Odeon Cinema demolition.

4th April 2017

The Odeon Cinema demolition.
A partial collapse of the scaffolding happened during the night before.

Scaffolding Collapse caught on film.

Shocking aftermath of Odeon cinema collapse.

3rd February 2017

The Odeon Cinema demolition.

6th February 2017

The Odeon Cinema demolition.

More Information:
See my other photos around Pilgrim Street:

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