Pilgrim St - Bank Of England Demolition and Bank House Construction

 These photos previously shared a page with all the redevelopment on Pilgrim Street but the page was getting too big so I gave them a page of their own. This page features the old Bank Of England, it's demolition and the constuction of it's replacement, Bank House, a 14 storey office building.

This page also contains photos of the redevelopment of Nos. 93 to 101 Pilgrim Street which is between Bank House and Worswick Chambers.

2nd June 2024

No's. 93-101 Pilgrim Street.

12th May 2024

No's. 93-101 Pilgrim Street.

31st March 2024

No's. 93-101 Pilgrim Street.

20th December 2023

No's. 93-101 Pilgrim Street (rear).

22nd September 2023

No's. 93-101 Pilgrim Street (rear).

4th July 2023

Bank House construction.

23rd May 2023

Bank House construction.

No's. 93-101 (rear).

12th May 2023

Bank House construction.

28th April 2023

Bank House construction.

7th April 2023

Bank House construction.

15th March 2023

Bank House construction.

23rd February 2023

Bank House construction.

12th February 2023

Bank House construction.

21st January 2023

Bank House construction.

29th December 2022

Bank House construction.

7th December 2022

Bank House construction.

8th November 2022

Bank House construction.

Taken from Gateshead.

6th November 2022

Bank House construction.

10th October 2022

Bank House construction.

5th September 2022

Bank House construction.

28th August 2022

Bank House construction.

8th August 2022

Bank House construction.

23rd July 2022

Bank House construction.

3rd July 2022

Bank House construction.

16th June 2022

Bank House construction.

11th June 2022

Bank House construction.

28th May 2022

Bank House construction.

19th May 2022

Bank House construction.

8th May 2022

Bank House construction.

No's. 93-101 (rear).

24th April 2022

Bank House construction.

1st April 2022

Bank House construction.

'City in the Sky' Remnants.

In the 1960's and 1970's the 'city in the sky' vision was to separate traffic from pedestrians. With increasing car ownership, towns and cities were becoming dominated by traffic and there was growing awareness of the associated pollution. The idea was that people would be able move around the city on an 'upper deck' level, with traffic moving below on a 'lower deck'. This footpath was from Manors car park over to Swan House.

17th February 2022

Carliol Square.

Swan House roundabout.

Bank House construction.

Footpath over the Central Motorway.

No's. 85-101.

Worswick Street.

2nd January 2022

Bank House construction.

4th October 2021

Bank House construction.

Carliol Square.

12th December 2020

Carliol Square, Duke of Wellington Public House.

The Duke of Wellington public house is a three storey building constructed on the west side Carliol Square in the early 19th century in red brick with sash windows, and remodelled in the 1930s with the addition of an Art Deco stone and moulded ceramic tile cladding frontage. It underwent several name changes in the late 20th century including Astros in the mid 1980s, Wilders in the 1990s, Enigma in the 2000s, and finally Wilders Bar. A cart way is still open on the ground floor. Historic building recording was undertaken in 2020 prior to proposed demolition.
Source: Sitelines.

Swan House roundabout.

Carliol Square.
Clearance begins for the construction of Bank House

6th September 2012

Bank Of England.
Demolition is now complete.

10th August 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

3rd August 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

18th July 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

12th July 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

2nd July 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

4th June 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

27th May 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

16th May 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

25th April 2012

Bank Of England Demolition.

8th December 2011

Bank Of England Demolition.

6th December 2011

No's. 85-101.

Bank Of England Demolition.

11th August 2011

Bank Of England Demolition.

16th June 2010

Bank Of England.

Designed by Sir Basil Urwin Spence, the former Bank of England building was located at the bottom of Pilgrim Street next to the Swan House roundabout, formed an easily recognisable part of Newcastle city centre’s heritage for many years.

16th May 2010

Pilgrim Street, Nos. 93 to 101 rear.
Two of the alleys that led from Pilgrim Street to Carliol Square. One of them, Bells Close, became the Newcastle Flickr Wall for a while.

22nd June 2008

Pilgrim Street, Nos. 93 to 101.

19th April 2007

Rear of Swan House.

18th May 2006

The 'Newcastle FlickrWall' mentioned above.

See my other photos around Pilgrim Street:

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