Low Walker, AP Appledore Shipyard (Urbex)

Next door to the Swan Hunters Shipyard the AP Appledore Shipyard has seen no action for some time now and has all but disappeared. Most of the sheds on the site have been pulled down of late due to youths setting them on fire and very little remains.

I believe the yard once formed part of the merger deal made by Vickers with Swan Hunter Shipbuilders in 1968 and became part of Swan Hunter and Tyne Shipbuilders Ltd.

See Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd, Low Walker and Wallsend.

14th July 2007

26th April 2007

See my other photos around Walker:
My other Urban Exploration photos:


Anonymous said...

are all the photos on this page including the graffiti ones from Swan Hunters Shipyard? they are wonderful!

Newcastle Photos said...

Yeh, it's seems there is a very active scene going on down there. Always something new to see.

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting these amazing photos. My first engineering job was at A&P Appledore.

Ray harbottle said...

Worked on a frigate lodged there in 1987 busy old docks I was only a nipper thought the yards would be there forever as the docks were always busy and although not loads of yards the river was busy to me didn’t see the inevitable coming the guts ripped out of the river , as there is no points of interest like cranes or fab sheds the younger generation won’t know what went on down there in fact they may not even realise there is a river there !!!

Ray harbottle said...

Worked for swan hunter next door as a young boy we lodged a frigate there for a couple of weeks during the early summer, didn’t imagine the guts would be ripped out of the river , with no obvious points to look for like cranes or sheds the younger generation won’t know what went on down there some probably won’t even know THERE is a river down there