Battlefield - Norris House

Norris House was a vacant commercial and industrial buildings before the Star and Shadow Cinema moved into the premises.

The Star and Shadow has recently relocated to the former SCS Suite Centre on Warwick Street in Heaton.

Demolition of Norris House is due for the development of 138 residential apartments with communal spaces, landscaped courtyard and below level car parking.

4th April 2024

7th April 2023

15th March 2023

Site Activity.

After a recent archaeological dig revealed evidence of Turret 3a and other aspects of Hadrians' Wall it looks as if the site is being prepared for construction.

7th June 2021

After standing empty for a few years I passed the other day and saw it has now been demolished.

15th April 2016

20th October 2015

More Information:
See my other photos around Battlefield:

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