Photographs By Area

Associated Lead Factory - Abandoned

The main part of this factory, just south of the Metro Radio Arena, was demolished a while back and these photos are of the washrooms that remain. The place is probably in the worst condition possible and I guess it will be demolished soon due to the planned redevelopment of that area.

10th September 2008

A graffiti covered wall in an abandoned factory

Exterior of the abandoned factory

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My other Urban Exploration photos:
See my other photos around Elswick:


  1. Wee bastards have ruined it, kinda loses the atmosphere with all the grafitti.

  2. It was certainly messy, probably the messiest explore I've ever done.

  3. Was in there today , It's in even worse condition than that, the bottom floor is cut of by railings on both entrances to the basement but it's still easy accesable took a few pics then got out of there didn't look stable in the lower floors at all,Where as the top floor was just rubble and a caved in roof. No Demolition has taken place nor any Construction, Brilliant place to explore so i really hope the don't demolish this place.

  4. Cheers, I'm not sure I would risk going in there now as it must be at the point of collapse.
    Let me know if you put any photos online and I will link to them from here.

  5. hi if you want to go here 1 last time do it now there is ladders and that there now as its being knocked down shortly so hurry

  6. still standing , was there yesterday (may 16 )

  7. still standing , was there yesterday (may 16 )

  8. Was'nt it the building responsible for the road below to be shut for a while recently? There cant be much of it left now.
