Photographs By Area

The Rising Sun country park

The Rising Sun Country Park is a 400 acre natural green oasis set in the heart of North Tyneside, managed in partnership with The Rising Sun Farm Trust and North Tyneside Council. Boasting an organic farm, nature reserve, countryside centre, numerous ponds, woodlands and extensive areas of grassland, the Country Park is also a wildlife haven and provides people with a refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city.

18th October 2010

Inside the Visitor Centre.

The view from the cafe.

The Visitor Centre.

4th June 2010

More Information:
See my other photos near The Rising Sun Country Park:


  1. Fab photos - found when looking for photos of the Celtic roundhouses, which my sons and I were involved in building about 12 - 13 (?) years ago- great memories!!
    Would love to see some pics of the roundhouses but cant find any - do you know where I can find some?
    thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.
    Kindest wishes

  2. Thanks.
    Can't say I've even heard of the houses you mention. Where are they located?

    If any readers can help out with where there are some photos of the houses please pipe up.

  3. I have got a couple of the roundhouse on my web site:
    Photos of Roundhouse at Rising Sun

    About half way down the page of photos, it was a misty day when I took them so they are not the best of photos I'm afraid!

  4. Great memories of the pit heap as a child, in its working day the pit was probably half the height again with steep sides,which we played on.
    After the closure and levelling, myself and a schoolmate were the very first to plant sapling trees on the south facing side,organised through our school...the buddle.
    Must have been around 1972/3
