Photographs By Area

River Tyne: Newburn to Wylam

Starting out at Tyne Riverside Country Park at Newburn I walked the 3 miles to Wylam on a lovely sunny spring afternoon.

The map below marks out the cycle path but I actually followed the slightly rougher path right alongside the river.

At times the path beside the river became a little tricky so I would pop back up onto the cycle path for a minute or two before dropping back down to the riverside again.

Taken from the south side of the river on the same stretch.

The route of my walk.

Or back to the Walking the River Tyne Westwards Project page.


  1. It's a nice walk Newburn to Wylam. Good pics too!

  2. Thanks. Aye I enjoyed it epecially with it being nice and warm for a change. :)

  3. There's an interestin old wreck on the south bank of the river along this stretch, only visible at low tide - anyone know any details about it? See

  4. Thanks. That's a new one on me. I'll keep my eyes open next time I'm down that way.
    Would it be possible for you to pin point the location of the wreck for me on Google maps or something similar?
