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Trinity Centre Multi-Storey Car Park (Get Carter Car Park) Demolition Photos

Demolition has finally begun on the car park made famous by it's appearence in the classic Get Carter film. To see my photos of the car park before demolition look here Trinity Centre Multi-Storey Car Park(Get Carter Car Park) and my photos of the shopping centre underneath just before it's demolition look here Gateshead Indoor Market.

30th September 2010

4th September 2010

5th August 2010

More Information:
See my other photos around Trinity Centre Multi-Storey Car Park:


  1. I loved Get Carter but am glad to see the back of this hideous building, just because it appeared in a movie people wanted to save it?

  2. I think most people are glad to see the back of it.

  3. If gateshead council hadnt let it fall into disrepair it could still be in use today. Opened the resturant for ice creams on sunday to see spectacular views over newcastle instead that wasted potential. No wonder no one goes to gateshead with no where to park.
