Photographs By Area

Reader Submitted Old Photos of Newcastle

If you have any digital copies of old photos of the area that you would like to share with the readers of this site please get in touch with me at

You will retain the copyright of any images you send me.

Newcastle East End

Reader Steve Robinson said...They are from my wife’s side of the family so should in principle be either the east end or Byker but to be honest I am a West end lad so wouldn’t know for sure and she is too young to confirm. The only thing we know are the pictures of the two shops which were owned by her family on her Mothers side whose name was Gilbert. The rest we would be interested if anyone could assist with particularly the large crowd scene which appears to be a race of some kind.

Skippers by Angus Watson and Co.

© Steve Robinson

James Coltman Grocers.

© Steve Robinson

Crowd scene mentioned above.

© Steve Robinson

Byker Constitutional Club.

© Steve Robinson

The New Barley Mow Charabanc Outing.

The pub was where the modern day ruin of The Barley Mow still just about stands now on City Road.

© Steve Robinson

M.F. Gilbert Grocers, 22 Tynemouth Road.

© Steve Robinson

Souvenir of the visit of the King and Queen to Newcastle on July 11th 1906.

A corporation tram decorated with over 1000 lights for the occasion. Copyright notice in the bottom corner says J. Taylor of 31 Carrick St, Byker.

© Steve Robinson

Quayside Market 1970's

Reader Graeme Potts said..Back in the 1970’s my father bought a mixed box of items at a saleroom and there were a few slides of the Quayside. This is the most interesting one.

Quayside Market 1970's.

© Graeme Potts

Leazes Arcade 1989

Originally built as The Leazes Park Synagogue in 1880 then converted to a shopping arcade in 1984. A huge fire in 1989 destroyed the interior and the arcade closed. With only the outer walls standing it was rebuilt inside as student accommodation. Reader Alan Ogle sent in these two photos of the Leazes Arcade taken just after the fire.

Leazes Arcade 1989.

© Alan Ogle

Northumberland Street 1992

Reader Alan Ogle sent in these photos of a deserted Northumberland Street on a Sunday afternoon in 1992. Such a different sight to the modern day Sunday on Newcastle's main shopping street.

Northumberland Street 1992.

© Alan Ogle

Grainger Street 1966

Another great picture sent in by Alan Ogle. On the left you will see the H. Samuel shop with its clock, now moved to Northumberland Street. Next to that is one of the photographic shops of Jerome. Further to the left at the edge of the picture behind the boards advertising the journal etc is the demolished building where the Newgate Shopping Centre was shortly to be built. On the right you will see that the trolley bus wires are still in place and in the distance a Leyland Atlantean (or perhaps two) is approaching.

Grainger Street 1966.

© Alan Ogle

Photos From Bob Carrick

Heaton Park 1936.

Irene Carrick at the Pavillion in Heaton Park 1936. Bob Carrick is standing on bench.

© Bob Carrick

The Spinney c. 1950.

The girls from Heaton High at the Spinney about 1950. Front row 2nd in, Barbara Percy, Jean Chisholm (now Carr), Jean Raine (now Carrick).

© Bob Carrick

Whitley Bay 1937.

3 cousins Pat Errington, Sheila and Jean Raine at Whitley Bay 1937.

© Bob Carrick

Whitley Bay 1937.

3 cousins Pat Errington, Sheila and Jean Raine at Whitley Bay 1937.

© Bob Carrick

Whitley Bay 1955.

This is Pat’s Wedding, at Whitley Bay with Sheila and Jean in February 1955.

© Bob Carrick

Whitley Bay 1955.

Again, from Pat's wedding with Bob Carrick far right walking with Jean. They married the following year. Pat’s father was the Lighthouse Keeper at St. Mary’s and she married Ken Rowley, the Assistant Keeper.

© Bob Carrick

The Crows Nest, Haymarket c.1910

Reader Jackie Dance says... One of my favourite photos taken before the First World War outside the Crow's Nest, Haymarket. I seem to remember being told that it was of a charabanc outing to the Blaydon Races. Some of my family must be in there somewhere, but there is no-one left to ask. I just have a feeling that the lady right at the back with the big black and white hat and the gentleman next to her might be my great-grandparents Richard and Mary Riddell.
Their son, my grandfather Richard Scott Riddell, after serving in WW1 was a policeman in the villages in the area, and was generally known as Dick Riddle. He died young, so my mum and grandmother moved south to be near her (my grandmother's) brother and unfortunately lost contact with the Riddell side. I find the character of the faces in this photo fascinating - maybe someone out there will recognise some of them.

The Crows Nest, Haymarket c.1910.

© Jackie Dance

Kendal Street & Raby Street, Byker

Ex-Byker lad Brian Clark sent in these old photos of Byker. Brian says... "My Parents ( Clark ) moved into No. 228 Shipley Street, Byker in 1944 when I was 4 years old. Later on in 1947 we moved a couple of streets away into 178 Kendal Street because this flat had two bedrooms instead of one like the first one. I started school at the Byker Church of England then moved into Bolam Street Juniors school 1951 & stayed until leaving school at the age of 15. I then enrolled into the Newcastle College of Art & Industrial Design. After five years in College & marrying into the Melville family. I found a job working for Design Group in Gosforth. During this period 1964 we moved to Walkergate … then Heaton 1977 … then Forest Hall late 1988. In 2006 our family, including 3 sons plus their families, all moved out of England to start living in Phuket, Thailand."

Kendal Street 1978.

This photo, from about 1960, is taken from the back of 178 Kendal Street, looking down towards Raby Street. It shows a view of the back yards and you may just make out Nan’s General dealer shop in the centre.

© Brian Clark

Carville Road c. 1960.

Taken from the back of 178 Kendal Street, looking down towards Raby Street. It shows a view of the back yards and you may just make out Nan’s General dealer shop in the centre.

© Brian Clark

Melville’s Bakery, 88 Raby Street c. 1933.

Brians wife’s family also ran Melville’s Bakery at No. 88 Raby Street from the early 1920’s until about 1957. This is the only photo of the shop front ever taken dates to around 1933. The people in the photo are left to right Cissy Anderson, Thomas Melville 7 years old and Mary Melville about 19 year old.

© Brian Clark

Melville’s Bakery Model.

Brian used the previous photo to make a 3D scale model of the shop including the fully dressed window.

© Brian Clark

Melville’s Bakery Model With Mary Melville.

The lady sitting with the model is Mary Melville aged around 90 years old at the time this photo was taken.

© Brian Clark

Scotswood Football Club c.1920

Reader Tony Murray says.. My father is the Goalkeeper, Robert William Murray, after service in World War I. The photo was taken sometime between 1918 and 1926. I would love to know the other names on the photo if anyone can help.

Scotswood Football Club c.1920.

© Tony Murray

36 Heaton Grove 1970's

Reader Graeme Potts sent in the following photo..... The photo shows 36 Heaton Grove (left of centre) in the early/mid 70’s. I lived there from 1960 to 1980. My dad and next door had the house walls painted, unfortunately the final colour was not the light shade of green wanted but quite a strong ugly one. The house was late Victorian, first occupied by a Doctor. Had stabling at the rear, evidence of the servants bells still present, and the nursery was at the top (bars to the front window can still be seen on the photo).

36 Heaton Grove 1970's.

© Graeme Potts

Denise Morris' Family in Benwell

Benwell 1959.

(Uncle) George Logan and (Aunty) Doreen Law wedding 1959 Benwell.

© Denise Morris

Trinity House 1929.

Catherine Younger snr and daughters 1929 on steps of The Trinity house.

© Denise Morris

St Margarets Church, Scotswood 1959.

Gladys Foster (Mam Dad) Dennis Logan Wedding 1959 St Margarets Scotswood.

© Denise Morris

St James Church, Benwell 1959.

Stan Graham and Gladys Younger wedding 1949 at St James, Benwell.

© Denise Morris

The Coast 1937.

Younger family a day at the seaside in 1937.

© Denise Morris

Angus Kindley's Photos

Ropery Walk c.1923.

Ropery Walk in Walker taken around 1923. Ropery Walk is now known as Felling View at the bottom of Pottery Bank.

© Angus Kindley

Ropery Walk c.1923.

The rear of Ropery Walk in Walker.

© Angus Kindley

Elswick Street 1994.

Taken opposite the Blue Man Pub in Elswick during the demolition of Elswick Street.

© Angus Kindley

Derelict Neptune Works April 1994.

The now demolished Neptune Works which was part of Swan Hunters Shipyards.

© Angus Kindley

Derelict Neptune Works April 1994.

A sign above a door on the now demolished Neptune Works.

© Angus Kindley

Birds Nest Quarry c.1920's

Bob Carrick now living in the US sent this wonderful photo taken in the 1920's at Birds Nest Quarry down by the River Tyne.

Birds Nest Quarry c.1920's.

Bob's grandfather, John Carrick of Cardigan Terrace in Heaton, is on the far right.

© Bob Carrick

Northumberland Street 1969

Reader Brian Collison sent in this great photo of Northumberland Street in 1969. Taken with an Instamatic camera from the now removed footbridge over the road.

Northumberland Street 1969.

© Brian Collison

Dianne Gibson's Family in Benwell

Dianne Gibson from Canada sent some photos in of her husbands family. Her father in law grew up at 29 Bishop's Road, Benwell and moved to Canada after the war.

Doreen Gibson.

Doreen Gibson in her 'wren' uniform and cousin Bob Herron.

© Dianne Gibson

Robert T. Gibson c. 1930's.

Robert T. Gibson (centre with vest and chains) perhaps in the 1930's. Robert was a master blacksmith and ironworker and it is believed that he made the ships bell for the M.S. Hood.

© Dianne Gibson

Family Photo.

Albert Herron, Margaret Jane (Bell) Gibson, Bob Herron, Maria (Gibson) Herron, George Dunn.

© Dianne Gibson

Harry Gibson.

Taken at 29 Bishops Rd Harry Gibson, on the right, with friend Bill Cole. Harry's mother is in window. The Gibson's rented the home from Bill Cole's father.

© Dianne Gibson

1308 Walker Road. Undated.

Robert Miller's Grandmother.

Robert Miller, now living in Devon, sent me this photo of 1308 Walker Road. He was born there in 1941 and lived there with his family. This photo is of his grandmother standing in the doorway.

© Robert Miller

Muriel Latour's Family in Spital Tongues.

Muriel Latour, an ex-pat Geordie, now living in Canada kindly sent these photos of her family that lived in the Spital Tongues area.
Muriel says My grandfather(Tot) had a house on Dunn's Terrace with a byres and farm yard with about 12 or so cows directly across on the other side of the road. It was a dairy farm and he used to graze his cows on the moor and bring them for milking (by hand) up Hunters Road! The dairy was called Stephenson Bros Dairy.
The oldest photos taken, I would guess, date from around 1886 - 1888, as my grandfather is in them as a young boy and he was born in 1876. The other two are of him and his brother Joe, with one of the dairy cows and one of Joe with the horse and trap that was used to deliver the milk.

Stephenson Bros Dairy.

Joe, Tot's brother with the Stephenson Bros. Dairy cart and horse.

© Muriel Latour

Stephenson Family.

© Muriel Latour

Tot and Joe.

© Muriel Latour

Uncle Bob, Aunt Margot and grandfather Tot.

© Muriel Latour

Janette Perry's Family

Reader Janette Perry sent me lots of delighful old photos of her family to share with you all.

The Globe Public House, Railway Street c.1915.

My great grandfather Anthony Malia stands on the left with his white apron on. He managed the pub for a while and he and his family lived there until he died in his forties, not long after this photo was taken. He was also a singer in his spare time and performed at the theatre in Newcastle, one of his sons Robert Malia also sang and performed and later became the choir master at St Dominics RC Church, Byker. He was there for some time.

© Janette Perry

The Globe public House, Railway Street.

Anthony Malia (centre) my great grandfather who managed The Globe. This was taken outside the pub.

© Janette Perry

Margaret Malia, my grandmother c.1917.

This was taken just after her father died Anthony Malia(see photo above). The family had to move house and she had to seek work elsewhere. It is in Newcastle, we don't know which pub though, just that it is one of John Reeds. She is second from right.

© Janette Perry

Applebys Butchers, Arthurs Hill, Newcastle.

This is my great grandfathers butchers shop Applebys. He is in the middle of the picture with a beard. I would love to know who the other people standing next to my great grandfather are, they look like characters.

© Janette Perry

Harry Lauder c. 1907.

A signed photo of Harry Lauder, singed to my great Uncle Anthony Malia, in about 1907.

© Janette Perry

Joseph Rutherford.

Joseph Rutherford, My grandad, was a printer in the Chronicle. this was taken nearby.

© Janette Perry

Joseph Rutherford with my dad Joseph Rutherford Jnr.

My grandad Joseph Rutherford with my dad Joseph Rutherford jnr. It is in Newcastle but can't make out where. The name of the hotel over the road is the Hotel Esplanade if anyone can help out with the location. My best guess is the coast somewhere but it's just a guess. A reader added it may be Whitley Bay.

© Janette Perry

Norah Younghusband Appleby.

Norah Younghusband Appleby, my great Aunt, on stage in Newcastle. She was quite a local celeb in her day and was the daughter of the Butcher Appleby from the photo up the page from this one.

© Janette Perry

Robert Malia.

This is Robert Malia, a keen singer, as was his father, he was Choirmaster at St Dominics Church for many years.

© Janette Perry

An uncle with friends possibly at the railway in Newcastle.

© Janette Perry

Anthony Malia and Family.

Anthony Malia and family inside The Globe pub, taken about 1910.

© Janette Perry

Please get in touch if you have anything to share, thanks.


  1. I would like to contact Muriel Latour regarding photo's of Stephenson family from Spital Tongues.
    My family are also called Stephenson and lived in Spital Tongues around this time - I would be interested to see if there is a connection.
    My e-mail -

  2. Thanks, I've passed the information on to an email address I had belonging to Muriel.

  3. For Janette Perry, The Esplanade Hotel .... it may well be Whitley Bay.

  4. For Janette Perry. I live in Oregon USA but I was in St. Dominic's Choir in the 1960s I have couple of pictures of your uncle Bob Malia. My email is

  5. I too would like to contact Muriel Latour. I was born in Spital Tongues in 1947, my parents then living with my grandmother Isabella Fenwick at No.9 Claremont Road. My great grandmother (Polly Littlefair) had previously rented this property but swapped with my grandmother when her family grew. She previously lived in Morpeth Street. I too can remember my mother and grandmother talking about a Mrs Stephenson.

    Many thanks.

    Pat Watson at

  6. I too should like to contact Muriel Latour. I was born in Spital Tongues in 1947 whilst my parents were living with my grandmother (Isabella Fenwick) at 9 Claremont Road. My great grandmother (Polly Littlefair) previously rented this property before swapping with my grandmother when her family increased. Grandmother previously lived in Morpeth Street. I remember my mother talking of a Mrs Stephenson. My email address is

  7. my father Ronald Stephenson and aunt Sheila Stephenson. Grandfather John Stephenson ,nana Martha Stephenson lived at fountain row spital tongues in the 1940s onwards. My great uncle David Stephenson and the Stephensons lived at Windmill Spital tongues. My great grandfather Stephenson had a kipper cart from spital tongues and also my great uncle Charlie Stephenson lived there too. I wonder if they are all from the same family as the other Stephensons mentioned.Also a Peggy Stephenson comes to mind and a Mark. Hope this is of any help

  8. Thanks.
    Would you like me to pass this information along to Muriel?
    If so please leave an email address that I can pass on.

  9. any old photos of nazareth house?

  10. Dianne Gibson

    Researching my family history and saw your name and photo's wondered if we were related? My great grandfather john henry gibson was born in newcastle 1859 to london in 1880's.

  11. The double photo of Grandfather Joseph Rutherford was probably taken by a promenade photographer between the wars. It is Whitley Bay and in the background is the Esplanade Hotel (Esplanade is the name of the street which is a continuation of Station Road) also behind them is the Gaumont cinema (later a dance hall: The Aletsa) they are approaching the Rex Hotel (on their left... sea on the right)
    Hope that helps
    Andy Griffin

  12. I would like to contact Janette Perry re Malia family my great aunt MaryAnne was married to John Malia.
    Thank you

  13. I have passed your details on to Janette.

  14. Looking to contact person posting "markandemma" blogger note. Re: Stephenson's of Spital Tongues. My e-mail

  15. I am curious about Joseph Rutherford. There are no dates on the photos. I have a Joseph Rutherford in my tree born in Acomb in 1851. Any relation?

  16. My Nana Sarah Jane renforth lived. at 48 kirk street byker

  17. My Nana Sarah Jane renforth lived. at 48 kirk street byker

  18. Hi I am trying to trace the family of a John Stephenson 23 dunns terrace Spital tounges I believe he had a daughter Caroline born 1962 ? He used to work for Scottish and Newcastle breweries I am not sure if his wife was Anne? My email if anyone has any ideas please help many thanks

  19. Hi I don't have much to go on but worth a try, my mum Sandra (Sarah Ann ) was brought up with her aunt for a while in newcastle , I only know her name was Peggy . My mum attended school & I presume it may have been 1940s, or late 30s, my mums maiden nam was McLean ,she had a sister jean . Would love to take my mum down memory lane x

  20. My late mother's family lived in East Parade, Elswick. Her parents were called John and Edith Barningham and they owned a coal business. Any photographs out there? does anyone know of them? many thanks

  21. jacqui elliott18 May 2016 at 18:40

    My mother had a son named fred purvis in newcastle in 1949 i would be obliged if anyone new of him let me know

  22. jacqui elliott18 May 2016 at 18:42

    My mother had a son named fred purvis in newcastle in 1949 i would be obliged if anyone new of him let me know

  23. I have a similar Appleby butcher picture on my wall, my photo has 5 gentlemen on it, I believe on is my Father (Carlton Appleby) my grandfather John (seppy) Appleby and another 3 generation of Appleby men.... Dad know's who they all are.
    It would be good to get in touch with Janette as we may be related, My father Carlton Appleby turns 70 in a month and any other old Appleby photos or contacts would be greatly appreciated

  24. ref Appleby butcher picture, I have a similar picture with 5 guys in it, one is my father (young Boy) and he always said it was father and sun up to 5 generations. would be nice to get in contact with Jannette who posted pictures, we may be related


  25. In the photo of the Appleby butcher shop,the young lad on the far left
    the one you can just see is Andrew Young. Andrew was called up to army
    in 1918. He was posted to the K.O.Y.L.I Regiment. He died of gas poisoning 3 months after being called up. He is buried in St Stevens Cemetery in Rouen France. I have a picture of Andrew in uniform and on the back of the photo he has signed From Andrew to Mrs. Appleby in pencil. Andrew was my fathers brother. Bob Young.

  26. Hi John you are my mums second cousin your dad Carlton is my my mams cousin, if you would like to get in touch e-mail is, Interesting information Robert. Also if you would like to get in touch you are welcome. also Anonymous. I may have other photos of Appleby family,
    Kindest Regards

  27. Any info on Mary miller nee hope ... Married Jack Miller , lived 13 Morpeth street , near Sunderland ( trying to see writing on back of old photo) Plz contact

  28. Is there anyone who can help me with old school photos from the 1980s tried searching myself no luck the school was known as waverley grammar school or waverley first school and it was located at the to off rokeby street and onto waverley crescent lemington Newcastle upon Tyne I'm also trying to find out a bit about my surname CHILTON...both my parents have the same name CHILTON and were no relation. Mother Susan Chilton father Billy Chilton.grandad Eddie Chilton.grandmas irene MacFarlane. And phyllis fairley.any information on this subject will be very grateful and I would appreciate it thanks peoples

  29. @Janette Perry, Antony Malia is also my great grandfather so I guess that makes us second cousins. Thanks for sharing those photos it inspired me to take a road trip up to the Globe pub last year.
